Friday, October 31, 2014

Are we really alive? or it may be mere dream: Osho quotes about strength

The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death. ----OSHO

Osho questioning us...
Not only question us, but also ask to question us. He questions us about our reality. He challenged our reality with shattering our mind. Most of humanity wants to slow down aging process; most of our religious bases are on after death issues. All religion thinks about heaven and hell, mean they try to tell us about after life.

Osho exactly ask opposite of all those belief system, he ask you that you really live this is aliveness....
Is it really a life? 
It may be dream...


Think again you may initially laugh this any type of joking?
But it is not....
Now just come to merry go round; what is our blockbuster movie of Hollywood try to show us...

MATRIX is great example of that...another one is INCEPTION...      

Both movie were build on almost same platform...they tried to tell us something..very great secret....
Does we have strength to investigate further...?

Be with me...I like to sharing question and answer...of OSHO...even not him...simply which lies deep in my may be yours mind....we can share each other experience to each other...
Share your experience  about spiritual journey and  mystery of reality ...

 Visit our other Osho best qutoes about life;

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