Friday, October 31, 2014

Are we really alive? or it may be mere dream: Osho quotes about strength

The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death. ----OSHO

Osho questioning us...
Not only question us, but also ask to question us. He questions us about our reality. He challenged our reality with shattering our mind. Most of humanity wants to slow down aging process; most of our religious bases are on after death issues. All religion thinks about heaven and hell, mean they try to tell us about after life.

Osho exactly ask opposite of all those belief system, he ask you that you really live this is aliveness....
Is it really a life? 
It may be dream...


Think again you may initially laugh this any type of joking?
But it is not....
Now just come to merry go round; what is our blockbuster movie of Hollywood try to show us...

MATRIX is great example of that...another one is INCEPTION...      

Both movie were build on almost same platform...they tried to tell us something..very great secret....
Does we have strength to investigate further...?

Be with me...I like to sharing question and answer...of OSHO...even not him...simply which lies deep in my may be yours mind....we can share each other experience to each other...
Share your experience  about spiritual journey and  mystery of reality ...

 Visit our other Osho best qutoes about life;

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Listen to your Heart : Osho quotes about strength

This system of living tries to enslave us by their rules and disciplined. Everything some one teach us, to way behave, follow the some scripture to behave as ethical way of living, all those things are nothing but make slaves for their power matrix. They fear most that live with his heart.
Nobody says to listen by heart, everybody tell us how the brain is powerful and follow it...
I feel this reason this quotes osho gave to us to enhance strength to live on spiritual way.

Go through our blog carefully you will get beautiful lines of Osho, which enrich your soul. You will enjoy time with us.

Osho quotes about strength: How realistic approach work?

Osho explained us very rare secret of mind with simple quotes which give us strength to live on the spiritual way. 

In this tiny sentence Osho gave us lesson, “How human beings can achieved miracle in life?”  You need to with realistic manner.
We create complication, because most of time we deny present, we deny reality. Most of human
being are live in the dream state. They forget walls of dreams and reality. That is reason OSHO give
us this simple lesson.

What do you think is it right or wrong?

Share your valuable thought to give light to many soul which walk on spiritual path.
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Osho quotes about strength: Stand like Lion

Courage and strength are very important part of life . In spiritual path as well as in social life you need to stand alone MOST of time like Lion. You cannot defeat matrix live with rule society.  Society creates crops of discipline military like structure.

That means not that you are serving in forces. You feel you are owner of your life, but that not true , you are not. you cannot live according to your mind says. You are slave of matrix reality.
Once you realise how strong bondage of this “Maya”(illusion), You frustrated with this so called civilian life. That mean not that you have to run away from society. Rather think how you can escape your self from this illusion without wasting your temptation. You need to stand like Lion alone, keep this in mind and behave wisely in society. 

I feel this is main reason OSHO gives us this beautiful quote to face reality with strength.
What is you opinion? Feel free to share your opinions and thought...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

You are masterpiece of creation: Osho best Life Quote

We are masterpiece of God. God create as output of great creation. We always try to become something or someone, but it is not necessary. Most among us are  forget our existence at first place. We try to imitate our reality, we place our efforts to try to be someone.

It is just waste of our energy. Understand your reality. Just understand yourself first. Then you would realise you are masterpiece of creation. This simple thing Osho try to quote us with his best life quotes.

Know more about Osho