Monday, October 27, 2014

Osho quotes about strength: Stand like Lion

Courage and strength are very important part of life . In spiritual path as well as in social life you need to stand alone MOST of time like Lion. You cannot defeat matrix live with rule society.  Society creates crops of discipline military like structure.

That means not that you are serving in forces. You feel you are owner of your life, but that not true , you are not. you cannot live according to your mind says. You are slave of matrix reality.
Once you realise how strong bondage of this “Maya”(illusion), You frustrated with this so called civilian life. That mean not that you have to run away from society. Rather think how you can escape your self from this illusion without wasting your temptation. You need to stand like Lion alone, keep this in mind and behave wisely in society. 

I feel this is main reason OSHO gives us this beautiful quote to face reality with strength.
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